Journal of Information and Communication Technologies; is a free, multidisciplinary, open-access, internationally refereed journal with research and compilation studies published online in Turkish or English. The Journal of Information and Communication Technologies is published in June and December as two issues per year. Our journal aims to offer high scientific and original works to national and international academics, researchers, students and science enthusiasts.
The journal publishes scientific articles from a wide range of fields of information and communication technology research and related disciplines, of general importance to the information and communication technology research community. The main criteria in the review and selection process are related to the importance of the contribution to the field of information and communication technologies.

The aim of the Journal of Educational Technology Theory and Practice is to provide an international refereed scholarly and open access journal to publish high quality studies in the field of Educational Technology. The Educational Technology Theory and Practice is published in January and July as two issues per year.
The journal publishes studies focusing on theoretical and practical aspects of educational technology including but not limited to research reports, experimental studies, survey studies, and research reviews. These studies can be analysis, development, implementation, and evaluation of the interventions designed to propose the solutions with technology for educational/instructional needs of individuals and society, made with different methodological approaches. The language of submissions can be in English or in Turkish.

The aim of the Journal of Faculty of Education of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University (REFAD) is to emphasize the theoretical and applied competence of different disciplines and interdisciplinary studies, disseminate national and international literature, and develop education policies. REFAD is an internationally refereed journal, which is published semi- annually and consists of articles in Turkish and English that form its content evaluated by expert referees. The journal publishes qualitative, quantitative and mixed research in all fields of education.

Online Journal of Technology Addiction & Cyberbullying (OJTAC), which is published twice a year on the responsibility of the Editorial Board, has started to be published as an international refereed journal in the field of technology addiction and cyberbullying.
OJTAC aims to be a source of reference in which academicians studying in technology, technology addiction and cyberbullying can publish their studies and have access to related studies. The main aim of the journal is to increase and disseminate the literature in negative effects of technology. OJTAC has been established to publish quantitative, qualitative and literature review studies in technology, addiction and bullying subjects. The language of the journal is English and Turkish.

Instructional Technology and Lifelong Learning (ITALL) is a free, international academic journal with open access in which original scientific researches on instructional technologies and lifelong learning are published in Turkish or English. ITALL is published electronically as two issues, June and December.