Due to limited number of spots available for each workshop activity, interested participants should fill out an application form. Please visit https://forms.gle/S5r1fSe2pHWfLfuA9 the form.

Topic of the Workshop | An Introduction to Multilevel Modeling in R and Mplus |
Instructor | Assoc. Prof. Burak AYDIN |
Affiliation | Ege University / Faculty of Education |
Language of the Workshop | Turkish |
Number of Participants | 20 |
Duration | 45’ + 45’ |
Content | First 45’ In the first 15 minutes, two-level models will be explained through visuals. In the second 15 minutes, basic calculations will be done in two-level models without a predictor using R. In the third 15 minutes, an example of two-level model analysis will be done using R. Second 45’ In the first 15 minutes, contextual impact testing will be conducted with R on two-level models. In the second 15 minutes, Mplus’s multi-level model analysis framework and related scripts will be introduced. In the third 15 minutes analyzes conducted with R will be repeated with Mplus. |
Expectations from the Participants | Participants should be proficient in non-multilevel regression analysis. Participants must have R, Rstudio and Mplus (at least demo version) installed on their computers. https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/ https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/#download https://www.statmodel.com/demo.shtml It will save time for participants to download the R packages to be used in the analysis before the workshop: install.packages(“psych”, “moments”, “car”, “multilevel”,”lattice”, “plyr”,”WWGbook”) |

Topic of the Workshop | Meta-Analysis Applications with Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) |
Instructor | Assoc. Prof. Sedat ŞEN |
Affiliation | Harran University / Faculty of Education |
Language of the Workshop | Turkish |
Number of Participants | 30 |
Duration | 45’ + 45’ + 45’ |
Content | Theoretical presentation, Inputing data to CMA, average effect size, publication bias, subgroup and meta-regression analyses. |
Expectations from the Participants | All participants are expected to have a good grasp on fundamental statistical topics. Also, participants should have Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) 3.0 installed on their computers. A Windows PC is recommended for participation. The participants without a software licence for CMA could install a 10 days/10 trials evaluation copy from https://www.meta-analysis.com/pages/demo.php?cart=B9NU5667149. In order to not exceed the evaluation limit, we recommend installing the evaluation version on the workshop day. |

Topic of the Workshop | Process of Writing and Publishing a Scientific Article with Examples |
Instructor | Prof. Dr. Yüksel GÖKTAŞ |
Affiliation | Ataturk University / Faculty of Engineering |
Language of the Workshop | Turkish |
Number of Participants | 300 |
Duration | 75’ |
Content | All stages of writing a scientific article will be explained in detail with proper examples and visuals. |

Topic of the Workshop | Blended Learning: Foundations and Design |
Instructors | Prof. Yasemin Gülbahar & Assoc. Prof. Filiz Kalelioğlu |
Affiliations | Ankara University, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Başkent University, Faculty of Education |
Language of the Workshop | Turkish |
Number of Participants | 30 |
Duration | 45’ + 45’ + 45’ |
Content | In the first 45 minutes, blended learning and conceptual framework will be explained. In the second 45 minutes, the topics of blended learning design models and digital instruction will be explained. In the last 45 minutes, participants will design their own blended learning lessons plans based on a template provided to them. |
Expectations from the Participants | We recommend participants examining the sources listed below before participating the workshop. • Book: https://edtechbooks.org/k12blended • Sample lesson plans: https://betterlesson.com/browse/master_teachers/projects?from=header_link • https://www.pearson.com/us/prek-12/products-services-teaching/online-blended-learning-solutions/connections-learning/k12-online-school-curriculum/lesson-plans.html |